Jun 25Active citiesClosing event in Koper - 12 June 2024Active Cities – Active citizens, the project on public consultations at the local and regional level that brought together 5 partners...
May 6Active citiesSustainable mobility: training event - Kallithea, 18 April 2024The last workshop of the project “Active Cities Active Citizens” took place at the municipal conservatory "Odysseas Dimitriadis" on April...
Mar 9Active citiesCapacity building initiatives for citizens and NGOs: training event - Budapest, 20 February 2024An international workshop on "Supporting and building the capacity of citizens and civil society organisations to facilitate more...
Dec 25, 2023Active citiesCity centre revitalisation policies: training event - Ljubljana, 7 December 2023On 7th December 2023 the third workshop of the Active Cities for EU project was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Organized by the Association...
Nov 5, 2023Active citiesDigital tools for participatory processes: training event - Bucharest 1 November 2023„Feedback" it is one of the most effective ways for states to develop participatory processes and citizen engagement using digital tools...